################### Example Plugin Docs ################### .. add the plugin module to the module index .. py:module:: cobald_hep_plugins.example :synopsis: an example plugin This is an example documentation for an example plugin. Documentation uses reStructured Text (ReST) for the `Sphinx`_ documentation processor. This allows you to write and format text, refer to other code or packages‚ and use a multitude of directives and plugins. Note that you are not restricted to one document -- just create and link to another document. Classes and Function #################### While you should focus on users of the plugin, it can be useful to document the key classes and functions as well. Document classes and functions either manually using `.. py:function::`/`.. py:class::`, or automatically via `.. autoclass::`/`.. autofunction::` (sphinx autodoc). .. autoclass:: DemandScale .. _`Sphinx`: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/